Your Guide to Back Country Skiing in the Northeast

Back country skiing in the Northeast is some of the best out there. Sure, you can travel out west to Utah or Colorado and give it a go out there, but there’s so much more that to be explored in your New England backyard. From Mount Mansfield in Stowe, Vermont to Sargent Mountain in Acadia National Park, Maine, we have supplied you with a fantastic guide to let you experience all that the Northeast has to offer. (As an FYI, this list is in no particular order).

Jackrabbit Trail, Lake Placid, New York

Jackrabbit Trail is located in Lake Placid in the heart of the Adirondacks. This trail is around 35 miles in length and includes all types of groomed and backcountry terrain. The 5.5 mile stretch between Lake Placid and Saranac Lake are, according to Best Backcountry Skiing in the Northeast, one of the prime backcountry segments on the trail.

Gulf of Slides, Pinkham Notch, New Hampshire

Heading north to New Hampshire, Gulf of Slides is arguably the most entertaining backcountry in New England. The 2.5 mile Gulf of Slides Trail climbs through snowfields and gullies. Once you make it to the Central Gully, you have the option to climb up its steep wall (about 40 percent grade). If you decide to make that final push to the summit, you’ll be rewarded with a fantastic panoramic view of New Hampshire’s revered mountain range. Enjoy the ride down!

Mount Mansfield, Stowe, Vermont

Mount Mansfield’s “Nose” on its north side is Stowe ski area’s baby child. If the infinite amount of trails at Stowe begin to bore you, head OB to ski along the summit ridge. It’s an extremely steep and narrow beginning chute, but the challenge lets up as you drop in elevation, shooting you out into an apron that rides out towards the southeast.

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